

TOEIC Common Words Worksheets

1 abandon, absorb, accept, accomodate, accompany, accomplish, accumulate, acknowledge, acquire, adapt, administer, admit, adop, advertise, affect TCW-1
2 afford, allow, alter, analyze, annoy, appeal. appear, appreciate, approve, arrest, assert, assign, associate, assume, assure TCW-2
3 attach, attain, attempt, attribute, avoid, be accustomed to, be bound to, blame, boast, bore, bother, broadcast, calculate, capture, celebrate TCW-3
4 cheat, charish, claim, classify, cling to, colect, command, comment, commit, communicate, compel, conceal, concentrate, conclude, confirm TCW-4
5 confront, congratulate, conquer, consider, consist of, constitute, consume, contain, continue, contribute, convert, convey, convince, cooperate, crawl TCW-5
6 criticize, cultivate, cure, decline, defeat, delay, deliver, deny, depend on, describe, deserve, despise, determine, devote, differ from TCW-6
7 diminish, discuss, dismiss, dispose, distribute, disturb, divide, drift, dwell, earn, embody, employ, enable, encounter, encourage TCW-7
8 endure, enforce, entertain, equip, examine, exceed, exchange, exhaust, exhibit, expand, experience, exploit, explore, expose, extend TCW-8
9 fade, fascinate, fasten, feature, flourish, force, fulfill, govern, graduate from, grasp, heal, hesitate, illustrate, impose, include TCW-9
10 increase, indicate, induce, inherit, injure, intend to, interrupt, invest, irritate, isolate, kneel, lack, launch, lean, load TCW-10
11 manufacture, measure, mold, mount, neglect, obey, observe, obtain, offer, operate, order, overcome, participate, penetrate, percieve TCW-11
12 perform, persist, persuade, possess, postpone, praise, predict, prescribe, preserve, press, prevent, promise, promote, propose, provide TCW-12
13 purchase, pursue, raise, recognize, recommend, reduce, regret, reject, relate, release, remain, remind, render, repair, represent TCW-13
14 require, rescue, resemble, reserve, resign, resist, restore, restrict, retire, reverse, ruin, satisfy, seal, secure, seek TCW-14
15 seize, shift, starve, stimulate, stribe, struggle, submit, substitute, suffer, suggest, support, surpass, survive, suspect, swell TCW-15
16 tease, transform, treat, tremble, undergo, undertake, vanish, vary, vote, wander, withdraw, witness, access, account, administration TCW-16
17 advance, advantage, agriculture, ambition, amount, ancestor, appetite, architecture, arithmetic, aspect, astronomy, atmosphere, award, benefit, biography TCW-17
18 biology, breast, budget, burden, campaign, cancer, career, cause, ceremoney, channel, charge, circumstrances, civilization, clue, colleague TCW-18
19 colony, column, committee, commodity, community, companion, company, compromise, concept, conduct, conductor, conference, conflict, congress TCW-19
20 conscience, contempt, content, contract, contrast, courage, craft, credit, data, debt, decrease, deed, defense, delight, demand TCW-20
21 deposit, descendant, desire, despair, destination, detail, device, difference, diplomat, disaster, discipline, disease, dispense with, distict, divorice TCW-21
22 docment, economy, effect, effort, election, emotion, enterprise, enthusiasm, environment, estate, estimate, event, evidence, evolution, exhibition TCW-22
23 expense, expert, facility, faculty, fate, figure, flesh, focus, fortune, foundation, fuel, function, generation, genius, grant TCW-23
24 gratitude, grocery, horizon, impulse, incident, income, industry, infant, inquiry, insight, instinct, institution, instruction, interior, interval TCW-24
25 investigation, issue, labor, landscape, link, liquid, literature, loan, luxury, male, material, medium, merchant, minister, mode TCW-25
26 muscle, notion, novel, obstacle, occasion, opportunity, orbit, organization, ornament, outcome, outlook, parallel, perspective, phenomenon, physics TCW-26
27 pity, policy, pollution, portion, poverty, practice, prejudice, privilege, process, product, profit, property, punishment, purpose, quality TCW-27
28 quarter, rage, rate, recess, reform, religion, republic, reputation, research, resource, respect, result, satellite, savage, scent TCW-28
29 scheme, scope, sculpture, section, seed, shelter, shortage, situation, skyscraper, solution, sort, source, species, staff, stock TCW-29
30 storage, structure, stuff, supply, surface, surplus, survey, sympthy, taste, tax, technology, temper, temperature, term, testimony TCW-30
31 thermometer, threat, track, tragedy, transport, treaty, trial, triumph, urge, utility, value, vehicle, venture, victim, vision TCW-31
32 voyage, wage, welfare, worship, abstract, abundant, accurate, adequate, aggressive, alert, appropriate, ashamed, availabe, awful, bare TCW-32
33 civil, coarse, commercial, complete, complex, complicated, concrete, conscious, contemporary, critical, definite, domestic, due to, dumb, efficient TCW-33
34 enormous, equivalent, eternal, excellent, exclusive, extraordinary, federal, financial, flexible, fortunate, fundamental, genuine, gigantic, grave, guilty TCW-34
35 hostile, immense, in vain, incredible, indispensable, individual, inevitable, innocent, intense, intimate, invisible, keen, legal, likely, magnificent TCW-35
36 manifest, manual, marvelous, mature, maximum, medieval, military, mutual, native, negative, neutral, numerous, obscure, obvious, odd TCW-36
37 official, overseas, partial, patient, peculiar, physical, plain, positive, potential, pragmatic, precious, precise, primary, primitive, principal TCW-37
38 profound, prompty, public, radical, rational, raw, relative, reliable, remote, risen, routine, rude, rural, sacred, sensative TCW-38
39 sheer, specific, steady, steep, striking, subtle, suitable, summary, superficial, supreme, tender, tremendous, ultimate, upright, upset TCW-39
40 urban, urgent, vague, vast, vicious, visible, vivid, worth, wraps, approximately, merely, otherwise, thoroughly, on behalf of, on the contrary TCW-40



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