

TOEIC Starter Words Worksheets

1 accept, accomodate, accomodation, account, acountant, accumulate, acknowledge, administration, administer, advance, in advance, alter, appropriate, approximately, assign TSW-1
2 assignment, assure, assurance, audit, auditor, benefit, beneficial, budget, career, cause, classify, colleague, commercial, commerce, commodity TSW-2
3 complimentary, comply, conference, confirm, confirmation, contract, convert, decline, defect, defective, deposit, descendant, detail, in detail, diminish TSW-3
4 diplomat, diplomacy, distribute, distribution, eligible, enterprise, equipment, equip, estate, real estate, estimate, exceed, exclusive, exclude, expand TSW-4
5 expansion, exploit, facilitate, facility, fascinate, fascination, fasten, function, gigantic, giant, graditude, grateful, grocery, hostile, hostile takeover TSW-5
6 incur, indicate, indication, indicator, indispensable, essential, industry, film industry, inquiry, make an inquiry, inventory, invest, investor, investment, invoice TSW-6
7 isolate, isolation, itinerary, labor, labor union, merger, merger and acquisition, notify, notice, order, overdue, participate, take part in, periodic, periodical TSW-7
8 period, pharmacy, postpone, predict, prediction, prescribe, privilege, profit, profitable, profit and loss, prompt, purchase, quarter, recommend, recommendation TSW-8
9 refund, reimburse, reliable, rely on, remain, reserve, reservation, resign, retailer, retire, retirement, storage, store, subscribe, subtle TSW-9
10 suggest, summary, surcharge, surplus, trade surplus, survey, urban, venture, voucher, warehouse, withdraw, withdraw money, worthy, yearn, yield TSW-10



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