


1 Starter Lesson 1 EP2SP1
2 Starter Lesson 2 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2SP2
15 Starter Lesson 15 EP2SP15
30 Starter Lesson 30 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2SP30
1 Review Lesson 1 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2RP1
2 Review Lesson 2 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2RP2
10 Review Lesson 10 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2RP10
20 Review Lesson 20 (長文読解準2級/Article) EP2RP20

英検読解準2級 Listening

2012.1 Part 1 なし
  Part 2 Lesson 2
  Part 3 Lesson 3
2012.2 Part 1 なし
  Part 2 Lesson 2
  Part 3 Lesson 3
2012.3 Part 1 なし
  Part 2 Lesson 2
  Part 3 Lesson 3

英検読解準2級 Speaking Exercises

1 Libraries and Manners Lesson 1
2 Places for Pets Lesson 2
3 A New Kind of Discount Lesson 3

英検読解準2級 Reading Practice Articles

1 Excerpt from "Shadow of the Pines" (1) Lesson 1
2 Except from "Shadow of the Pines" (2) Lesson 2
5 Excerpt from "Shackleton" Lesson 5
10 Sunny Days and Sunny Nights Lesson 10

英検デュアルメソッド読解準2級 1-570 Tantre

1 leave, long, tell, bear, decide, let, need, wrap, wait, practice, spend, excuse, run, talk, forget EP2W-1
2 lose, order, remember, change, check, create, follow, grow, guide, protect, care, choose, invite, hold, bring EP2W-2
3 cost, excite, save, turn, arrive, build, freeze, improve, surprise, allow, attack, introduce, raise, seem, attend EP2W-3
4 search, happen, hide, match, miss, produce, receive, carry, cover, design, develop, hit, prepare, promise, reserve EP2W-4
5 taste, agree, decrease, expect, express, increase, invent, lead, offer, pick, quit, win, add, amount, cause EP2W-5
6 consider, damage, depend, disappoint, explain, feed, stand, suggest, celebrate, challenge, chase, copy, discover, guess, include EP2W-6
7 reach, recommend, replace, scare, succeed, accept, borrow, cancel, continue, enter, fail, graduate, imagine, lend, mind EP2W-7
8 notice, organize, provide, reduce, remain, serve, solve, throw, touch, treat, upset, waste, wonder, job, shark EP2W-8
9 college, company, idea, noise, hospital, interest, mail, meal, area, end, plastic, reason, fact, ocean, theater EP2W-9
10 garbage, owner, result, youth, history, mistake, price, chance, million, project, service, staff, vegetable, volunteer, chef EP2W-10
11 desert, future, guest, hand, information, nap, sale, weather, advantage, age, skill, aquarium, education, grade, invitation EP2W-11
12 level, plant, puppy, shelter, shepherd, sunlight, tortoise, treatment, wildlife, worker, average, cherry, contact, danger, encyclopedia EP2W-12
13 enviroment, experience, expert, heat, hurry, island, journey, rest, safety, statement, traffice, trouble, airport, article, bill EP2W-13
14 center, container, customer, dessert, effort, government, health, husband, ice, moment, neighbor, orphanage, photograph, quality, researcher EP2W-14
15 sail, score, success, variety, wallet, ability, accident, actor, base, couple, effect, energy, freezer, height, hope EP2W-15
16 judge, knowledge, leader, machine, matter, nature, population, professor, rock, rule, symbol, different, another, early, true EP2W-16
17 close, patient, enough, expensive, fast, blind, dangerous, human, local, delicious, elementary, fresh, similar, unusual, concrete EP2W-17
18 noisy, active, friendly, main, special, wild, healthy, likely, personal, common, either, ideal, lonely, loud, nearby EP2W-18
19 necessary, official, ordinary, possible, quite, whole, basic, excellent, extra, international, modern, national, professional, public, several EP2W-19
20 thin, however, even, far, yet, quickly, sometime, instead, recently, tonight, actually, especially, finally, certainly, else EP2W-20
21 almost, alone, luckily, moreover, nearly, probably, easily, exactly, naturally, unfortunately, abroad, ahead, anymore, carefully, gradually EP2W-21
22 mainly, somewhere, twice, against, although, while, though, whenever, advice, collect, contain, cross, deliver, education, encourage EP2W-22
23 endanger, exchange, fight, force, hunt, interview, lie, prefer, prevent, relax, reply, retire, select, separate, shape EP2W-23
24 share, spread, warn, wish, act, answer, approach, avoid, bake, bite, burn, cheer, disappear, discount, guard EP2W-24
25 harm, hurt, kick, lift, maintain, marry, measure, prove, realize, refuse, regard, rent, repair, rise EP2W-25
26 shake, suit, supply, support, survive, transport, advertise, aid, arrange, attach, bark, blow, communicate, compare, complain EP2W-26
27 confuse, cure, delay, dislike, doubt, earn, escape, fix, float, forgive, fry, gain, handle, injure, lack EP2W-27
28 manage, met, object, overcome, perform, press, public, recycle, regret, rely, remind, remove, repeat, require, satisfy EP2W-28
29 shoot, spell, suffer, suppose, swing, trade, translate, weigh, activity, appointment, avenue, barbecue, biology, boss, cell EP2W-29
30 clothes, coast, community, department, direction, disaster, dorimitory, even, flight, floor, graduation, heart, household, location, magazine EP2W-30
31 market, material, mayor, medicine, method, middle, museum, onion, operation, prize, purpose, recovery, relationship, schoolwork, secret EP2W-31
32 signal, suggestion, technology, visitor, wealth, weight, address, adult, advise, attitude, author, balance, century, chain, cloth EP2W-32
33 competition, corner, countryside, death, delivery, dentist, detail, difficulty, director, disease, distance, earthquake, entrance, excitement, eyesight EP2W-33
34 fever, fisherman, flavor, freedom, holiday, instructor, introduction, jewelry, key, license, mail, manager, meat, movement, opportunity EP2W-34
35 organization, origin, pain, police, position, relative, reservation, sense, shrimp, sign, skin, society, sunflower, surface, taste EP2W-35
36 teenager, temperature, tourist, tournament, tradition, value, view, agriculture, aim, anniversary, athlete, attention, attraction, beauty, belief EP2W-36
37 block, blossom, budget, cash, championship, character, chemist, climate, condition, congratulation, connection, conversation, content, crime, custom EP2W-37
38 decision, device, discover, equipment, essay, examination, faith, farewell, favor, fuel, funiture, geograph, ghost, giant, gift EP2W-38


英検デュアルメソッド読解準2級 Idiom 1-300 Tantre


1 a couple of~, a number of~, above all, across from, after a while, after all, all day long, all the time, all the way, all year round, along with~, A and so on, apart from~, as a result of~, as A as ever EP2W-39i
2 as A as possible, as long as~, as usual, A as well, as well as~, ask for~, ask A to do, at first, at last, at least, at once, at one's best, at the back of~, at the end of~, at the same time EP2W-40i
3 be afraid of~, be angry with~, be at work, be aware of~, be bad at~, be busy doing, be crowded with~, be different from~, be disappointed at, be familiar with~, be far from~, be filled with~, be full of~, be good at~, be in danger EP2W-41i
4 be in the hospital, be in time for~, be in trouble, be injured, be late for~, be likely to do, be looking forward to doing, be made from~, be made of~, be pleased, be popular with, be proud of~, be ready for~, be satisfied with~, be shocked EP2W-42i
5 be sure of~, be sure to do, be tired of~, be well known, be worried about~, because of~, before long, both A and B, break down, bring up~, by mistake, by oneself, by the way, by way of~ EP2W-43i
6 call for~, call off~, call on~, change A into B, change one's mind, check in, cheer A up, come out, come over, come true, come up to~, come up with~, depend on~, do well, drop in at~ EP2W-44i
7 each other, eat out, either A or B, enjoy oneself, escape from~, even if~, fail to do, fall asleep, fall down, fall on~, feel like doing, fill out~, find out~, first of all, for a moment EP2W-45i
8 for a while, for example, for free, for instance, For one thing, for oneself, for sure, for the first time, from now on, get along with~, get into~, get married, get out, get over~, get to~ EP2W-46i
9 get A to do, give up~, give way, go bad, go wrong, happen to do, have a good time, have a seat, have a sore throat, have no idea, head for~, hear from~, help A do, help A with B, here and there EP2W-47i
10 in a hurry, in fact, in line, in order to do, in the beginning of~, in the end, in the first place, in the past, in the short run, introduce A to B, just a minute, keep doing, keep off~, keep one's promise, keep to EP2W-48i
11 lead A to B, learn A by heart, learn to do, little by little, look after~, look like~, look out, look up~, lose one's way, major in~, make a mistake, make an appointment, make friends with~, make it EP2W-49i
12 make noise, make out~, make up one's mind to do, more and more, more or less, move to~, name A after B, neither A nor B, never fail to do, next to~, no longer, not A but B, not only A but B, now and then, of course EP2W-50i
13 on one's own, on one's way, on sale, on time, one after another, one another, over and over, pass by, pay attention to~, pay back~, pay for ~, pick up ~, pick A up, play a part in ~, plenty of ~ EP2W-51i
14 point out ~, prepare for, put A away, put down ~, put off ~, put out ~, reach for ~, result from ~, right away, right now, run over ~, search for ~, see A off, separate A from B, set a new record EP2W-52i
15 set off on~, set up~, shake hands with~, short of~, show A around B, side by side, sit up, so far, something is wrong with~, sooner or later, sound like~, spent A doing, start with~, such as~, take a break EP2W-53i
16 take a look at~, take a nap, take away~, take care of~, take off, take part in ~, take place, take the place of ~, thanks to ~, That's how..., That's why..., the other day, the same as B, these days, They say that... EP2W-54i
17 think over, throw away, to be honest with you, to be sure, to begin with, to one's surprise, try on ~, turn A into B, turn off~, use up~, wait for~, wake up, watch out for~, with care, work for~ EP2W-55i
18 would like A to do, a great deal of~, a variety of~, according to~, agree to~, ahead of~, all at once, all of a sudden, allow A to do, apply for~, as if~, at hand, be about to do, be absorbed in~, be against~ EP2W-56ii
19 be at a loss, be based on~, be certain to do, be connected with~, be ccut out for~, be expected to do, be finished, be forced to do, be frightened at~, be impressed with~, be in charge of~, be in contact with~, be in full bloom, be involved in~, be no use doing EP2W-57i
20 be on a iet, be related to~, be responsible for~, be suited for~, be supposed to do, be true of~, be up to~, be used to doing, be willing to do, be worth doing, behave onself, believe in~, break into~, break out, bring about~ EP2W-58i
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